George Trachilis and Dr. Jeffrey K. Liker receive the SHINGO RESEARCH AND PROFESSIONAL PUBLICATION AWARD

Developing Lean Leaders at all Levels: A Practical Guide is a management Must Read. The Lean Leadership Development Model (LLDM) presented in this book is intuitive and aligns well with accepted principles of operational excellence. It expands significantly on the elements of Lean, structuring them in a more specific way that can be operationalized by lean practitioners. You can learn everything you want about the Toyota Way; you can implement the tools they have created, but if you do not have the behaviors established within your culture, it will not be successful for long-term sustainment of operational excellence. Leadership must walk the talk of true north in every aspect of this model. George created the online course to help organizations close the knowledge and experiential gap using the book and online course.

  • How can I apply this in my organization?
  • What concrete actions can I take to begin the journey of becoming a lean leader?
  • How can I spread this learning to all parts of the organization?
  • What critical tools are needed to turn the theory to practice?

Organizations wanting to answer these and many more questions should connect with George to engage in a learning and doing initiative that will transform all.

This book and online course give examples from over twenty years of experience by Dr. Liker in working with companies outside of Toyota. The book treats you as a student who will be actively engaged in developing lean leader skills as you read. It acts as a tutorial for beginning the journey.

Developing Lean Leaders at All Levels

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Online course available through George Trachilis

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Captain Lean